Frank Zheng

Curriculum Vitae

Frank Zheng #

Download link: Curriculum Vitae

Contact Information #

Email:; Homepage:; Linkedin:@Frank Zheng.

Brief Biography #

Frank Zheng is an analyst at Murphy USA. He has strong background in business Intelligence, petroleum engineering, data science, mathematics and statistics knowledge. He is proficient with building data pipelines for unstructured and structured data by using ETL techniques and implementing ETL/automated reporting systems. He is highly skilled in extracting value from data & made information accessible for decision making and analysis. He is currently interested in data science/visualization and automated business intelligence solutions, with special focus on oil & gas field. In the past, he have designed and build automated business intelligence solutions at FlyingTee Golf. He also designed and optimized data analytics pipeline for automated processing RNA sequencing data QC in the lab of Dr. Joel Guthridge, Arthritis & Clinical Immunology Research Program of Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation.

Education Background #

Honors & Awards #

Professional Experience #

Other Experience #

Presentations & Tutorials #

Computer Skills #

I often try to improve the efficiency of my work by creating automation scirpts and tools.

Misc #