My name is Frank Zheng. You can know more about me on the homepage and my vitae. This blog is about statistics, data science, graphics, life, travel, and fitness. I often update my old posts to correct errors and remove outdated information, so please don’t take everything for granted. All opinions expressed here are my own, and I don’t represent anyone else.
Contact me #
You can find me on GitHub or Linkedin. You are also welcome to leave comments below.
About this site #
This website is written in blogdown, on RStudio, compiled using the static site generator Hugo using my own modifed version of the hugo-ivy theme that created from Yihui.
When you read the blog posts, you can navigate to the previous post by the left-arrow key or next post by right-arrow. Please hit “Edit this page” in the menu if you find any mistakes on the page to propose a correction through Github.