Frank Zheng

I currently work as analyst/developer at Murphy USA. I earned my bachelor’s in petroleum engineering and master’s in business analytics from University of Tulsa. I am interested in data science, data visualization and automated business intelligence solutions. In my spare time, I use Python to gather data from public data sources and R/ggplot2/plotly to plot plenty charts and hopefully find some insights from the data. When I’m in a good mood, I also work on some fancy machine learing and deep learning projects. I am a gym junkie, I prepare meals, workout almost everyday and enjoy my cheat day on the weekend. I believe in scientific nutrition and sport science papers.

这是郑翔的个人主页。2018 年我从塔尔萨大学毕业,便踏上社会继续寻找自己喜欢做的事情了(当然,已经喜欢上了的东西也很多了)。 独立开发者和数据工作者,喜欢捣鼓一切带电的东西,没有办法保持长期自律,大部分时间由不切实际的计划来驱动自己。爱好健身,乐于研究营养学以及运动科学文献。热爱两栖与爬行动物,救助并饲养一只三趾箱龟 Ruby。篮球只注重动作潇洒, 年纪渐长竞争意识也随之消亡。滑过雪板一次,已决定为这项运动牺牲尾椎骨。最长久的爱好是球鞋收藏。长颈鹿斑马溺爱协会成员。略好读书,也经常迷失在网上。 喜欢所有国家公园,远足时长足以让同行人生气,目前最喜欢的登山步道是:Angles Landing from Zion National Park
